Skulljs: A remastered version of Kestrel is available on
Focus on the code not the structure
Kestrel aims to give a solid structure to create a project based on Angular for the Frontend and ESM / Express / Sequelize for the backend.
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Here is some features built in Kestrel:
Utilities and cli
- The kestrel-cli, several commands and utilities
- A customizable class named PDFGenerator for PDF generation
- Encryption functions to encrypt and decrypt strings with a AES - 256 protocol
- Optional use of Faker to populate the database with fake data
- A built-in support for sending mail
- An Angular directive to handle pre-loaders
Authentication and security
- A built-in middleware for check if a user is logged
- A built-in middleware for verify a token through an authorization server
- Cors support
- A built-in security middleware using Helmet
- Session support using express-session
- A built-in logger using Morgan
- Integration of Swagger for the backend
- Integration of Compodoc for the frontend
About the project
Kestrel is © 2021-2022
Kestrel is distributed by an MIT license.