When you are ready to deploy your application to a remote server, you can follow this guide.
Table of contents
- Step 1 - Install the prerequisities
- Step 2 - Build the project
- Step 3 - Setup the folder on the remote server
- Step 4 - Setup the kestrel-cli file on the remote server
- Step 5 - Initialize the database on the remote server
- Step 6 - Use PM2
- Step 7 - Go to the app
Step 1 - Install the prerequisities
- Verify that your project work in development
- Latest LTS of Node.js on the remote server and on the local computer
- Nodemon globally installed on the remote server and on the local computer
- kestrel-cli globally installed on the remote server and on the local computer
- Any kind of database on the remote server (use the same as you used in development is a plus)
- PM2 installed on the remote server
- An SSL Certificate
Step 2 - Build the project
$ kc build
- Select yes when the cli ask you to modify the cors config
- Enter the ip or the name of the remote server which you want to deploy your app
Step 3 - Setup the folder on the remote server
- Create a folder with the name of your choice. Ex: my-awesome-app
- Copy the dist folder in that folder. (you can remove the node_modules folder and reinstall the modules after the copy if you want the process to be faster)
- Copy the sslcert folder in the folder created in 1
- Replace the files in the sslcert folder with your SSL certificate
- Verify that the path in server.js correctly refer to the files in the sslcert folder
Step 4 - Setup the kestrel-cli file on the remote server
- Make a file in the folder created in the previous step named “kestrel-cli.json”
"projects" : {
"backend_path" : "dist",
"frontend_path" : "dist"
"version" : "3.0.0"
Step 5 - Initialize the database on the remote server
- Change the prod database configuration in the .env file
- Run the following command
$ kc idb
You can now test your app by typing using npm start in the dist folder. The URL is https://[the name or the ip of the server].
Step 6 - Use PM2
The last step of the deployment is to setup PM2. We use PM2 to manage and keep our application online 24/7.
Start an app
In the dist folder, use the following command.
$ pm2 start src/server.js --name <name of the app>
Managing process
You can use the following commands to manage your processes
$ pm2 restart <name of the app>
$ pm2 reload <name of the app>
$ pm2 stop <name of the app>
$ pm2 delete <name of the app>
$ pm2 list
$ pm2 logs
Setup startup script
This step will allow you to restart PM2 with the processes it manage when the server boot/reboot.
You can use the following commands for that.
$ pm2 startup
$ pm2 save
Step 7 - Go to the app
Well done ! Your app is now deployed and available at https://[the name or the ip of the server]