Developed with
Here is the list of technologies the Kestrel project uses.
| Description |
Angular v14 | Framework JavaScript for Frontend development |
Angular - Datatables | Library offering advanced functions to use HTML tables (filters, search, pagination, …) |
Ngx-sweetalert2 | Library use to generate easy to use and customizable JavaScript popup boxes |
Compodoc | Documentation tool for Angular |
| Description |
NodeJS | JavaScript for server purposes |
Express | NodeJS Framework designed for APIs |
Sequelize | ORM based on NodeJS promises |
Jest | Test Framework for JavaScript |
Supertest | API test framework for Javascript |
Swagger | API documentation tool |
Morgan | HTTP request logger middleware for NodeJS |
Helmet | Security middleware for Express |
Got | Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js |
nodemailer | Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications to allow easy as cake email sending. |
| Description |
commander | The complete solution for node.js command-line interfaces. |
chalk | Terminal string styling done right |